barchar malka mahaban

Place: Buner

Category: Hiking ,

Suitable for Family Suitable for Adults

Latitude: 34.32309451560198

Longitude: 72.6749038696289


Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan One of the best Tourism spot in Khyber pakhtunkhwa. Its height is 6600ft EL. Malka Mahaban is the tri Junction of Three division (Malakand,Hazara,Mardan). Inshaallah Soon the shortest root from M1 (Islamabad to Peshawar Motarway) will connect Throu Topi sawabi, Indusrial state gadoon, Utla shere Dam Than Camping Pods Malka Mahaban. Jeepable track is already reached from Village Malka to Malka Mahaban Camping pods by Honourabale Sayed Muhammad Khurshed Bacha Malka Buner.

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